A new actor has jumped into the land dispute surrounding Raalhugandu area of Male. A spokesperson for the notorious sea demon Rannamaari has said the demon owns the Raalhugandu area. In the first message to the public since the demon disappeared into the sea several centuries ago, Rannamaari said its ownership of Raalhugandu area goes back to centuries.
"This used to be my playground. Only temples with alters of sacrifice were here. Voice of Maldives antennae? They were built in the 1970s. MNDF halipad? Are you kidding me? When were helicopters invented? MDP? Who would have even bothered about a political party in my days of glory? All the kings feared me. Male City Council? You must be kidding! It was elected only last year," Rannamaari said in a message relayed through the demon's spokesperson. "What more proof do you need? All Maldivian history books have the irrefutable proof that I lived and roamed in this area till the 12th century."
Rannamaari heavily criticized Male City Council for mishandling the land dispute. "This is what happens when people elect actors and bodybuilders for Male City Council. Back in my glory days the leading men in Male had more toned muscles in their bodies than Afrah, without lifting a single weight. I can guarantee that Afrah will start crying "Mommy, Mommy" when he sees me. Maizan Alibe knows how to wear cowboy hats but he doesn't know how to run a city council. Chandhanee Shuja is so corrupt even Abul Barakat can't reform him."
Rannamaari's spokesperson said the feared sea demon will make a comeback soon. "If Nasheed can make comebacks, if Nasheed can fall and rise several times, so can the Rannamaari. The sights and sounds of so many young girls and women at Raalhugandu has caused my boss the Rannamaari to make a firm decision to make a comeback."
The only thing preventing Rannamaari from returning to its favourite haunts is the uncertainty of the availability of virgin girls. But the demon's hopes increased after the huge demonstration held on December 23.
Rannamaari also warned MNDF and police not to meddle with politics in Maldives. "Your fast Coast Guard vessels will be no match for my supremacy of the sea," Rannamaari warned through its spokesperson.
There is speculation that Rannamaari's spokesperson is Mohamed Zuhair (Juha), who was the spokesperson for ex-president Mohamed Nasheed. Juha has never been seen in public since Nasheed's resignation.