Villa IT, the information technology subsidiary of Villa Shipping and Trading Company, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today with Premier Election Solutions of USA to purchase an electronic voting system from the manufacturer. Premier Elections Solutions, formerly known as Diebold Election Systems, is a subsidiary of Diebold, which has been providing electronic voting systems and solutions in elections for decades.
A spokesperson for Villa IT said the new electronic voting system will be used by its client the Jumhooree Party (JP) after JP wins this year's presidential elections.
"Our client JP has identified a need for an electronic voting system as their presidential candidate Mr Gasim Ibrahim is married to multiple wives. When he wins the presidential elections this will create a problem in identifying who will be the First Lady. JP has decided to hold a nationwide election to elect a First Lady among Gasim's wives. Villa IT has stepped in to provide state-of-the-art technology for our client," the spokesperson said.
Dhiyana Saeed, the spokesperson for JP, which is also known as Republican Party, said the party will hold an election to elect a First Lady soon after Gasim wins the presidential election.
"Personally I would like to be the First Lady. But its quite complicated. You see my husband Jabir is not the presidential candidate for JP. If I have to be the First Lady, I have to get divorced. Things will not be solved from that point either. Gasim will have to divorce one of his wives. Then Gasim will have to marry me. Since there is an Idda (a waiting period for divorced women without marrying again) in Islamic Shariah, there is no time for all that. Since Adhaalath is part of the Jumhooree Gulhun (coalition) we can't take a chance and offend Adhaalath. I blame the alliance of MDP and DRP for holding the election too soon. Otherwise I could have been the First Lady," Dhiyana explained.
"Since my options are quite limited, I welcome this proposal to hold an election for nominating a First Lady. I am confident that the touchscreen voting system that Villa IT purchases will not fail us," Dhiyana said speaking at a Haaru Keun at West Park Cafe operated by her husband Jabir.
English polishing by Naseem. Additional reporting by Nazeer from West Park Cafe.
ހަގީގަތުގަ ސާބެ (އަންނި ގެ ކޮއްކޮ ޔަކާ އިދެގެން އުޅޭ) ވޯޓް ދިނީ މައުމޫނަށް . އަލީ ފާއިޒު އާއި ފުއާދު ތައުފީގު ވޯޓް ދެއްވީ މައުމޫނާ އިދިކޮޅަށް . ތިބޭފުޅުން އައްސަވާ ފުއާދު ކާރިން.. އަންނި ހަދާފަ އޮތް ޑީލް ގެ ދަށުން ސާބެ އަށް މަޖުބުރުވީ މައުމޫނަށް ކުރިމަތި ލެވޭ ގޮތައް ވޯޓް ދޭން.. އަޅުގަޑު މި ރޯދަމަހު ހިފި ހުރިހާ ރޯދައެއް އެއީ ރޯދައެއް ނޫން މި ބުނި ވާހަކަޔަކީ މިކަމުގެ ހަގީގަތް ނޫނިއްޔާމު. އައްސަވާ.. ބައްލަވާ. އަދި އެއްފަހަރު ވިސްނަވާ. އޭރުން އަޅުގަޑު މިބުނީ ތެދު ކަން އެގޭނެ.
Interesting Video on Hassan Saeed
އޮޅުވާލަން ނޫޅޭ. ސާބެ ވޯޓު ދިނީ މައުމޫނާ ދެކޮޅަށް
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