Tuesday, November 3, 2009

DRP black magic makes Mohamed Nasheed resign

DRP making black magic recently for Mohamed Nasheed to resign or lose power. Now DRP black magic works and Mohamed Nasheed resigns.


Anonymous said...

oops. wrong window...

espesial enjoi said...

hahahah moonovar u shoold joain me noaw. shaeid is allso caming to emdepee we can be heroas and roabars too. We can get 20 % noaw. U can roole cuntry foram midnaite to moaning allso. cum cum and haive orjy and have hart replaise too. vodcar avaabal also .

moonover said...

hahahaha.. espesial enjoi.. i not cumming to Yem Dee Pee. shahid not cumming to Yem Dee Pee. he speaker of Peepaal's Majilis.. more presteejas poseetion. now I think joining DRP. i participated in DRP protest. the news made it to MVheadlines too. http://www.miadhu.com.mv/div/news.php?id=20160