From Al Fresco to Theemuge is a documentary directed by Mohamed Niyaz (Tedry) whose debut feature film Dheriya won critical acclaim in the Maldives. A production of Eternal Pictures, From Al Fresco to Theemuge is the documentary that will create raves in next year's Cannes and Berlin Film Festivals.
This is the story of one man who realizes his childhood dream of becoming the president of Maldives through his sheer determination, vision and hard work. This film is the story of Dr Munavvar, born in Addu Atoll Meedhoo, and migrated to Male' to complete his secondary education in Majeediyya School. This is the story of his rise in government, education in Russia and Canada, and how he became the Attorney General in his early 30s. This documentary traces the life of Dr Munavvar in the ten years he spent in Gayoom's cabinet and shows how he ultimately became the president of MDP through his shrewd political strategies.
This is a documentary that students of political science, scholars and members of academia must watch as director Tedry shows the political genius of Dr Munavvar through rare interviews and videos of past speeches. This is the film which will explain how a successful table-to-table campaign is conducted with guaranteed success.
From Al Fresco to Theemuge is the story of how one man succeeds to enter the presidential palace Theemuge through his strategies carried out in the nearby cafe Al Fresco.
Only an old mosque and a street separates the presidential palace Theemuge from STO Trade Center where the cafe Al Fresco is located in the ground floor. It is there in this cafe that Dr Munavvar and his supporters, including director Tedry, plot their plans for Dr Munavvar's entry into the palace as president of Maldives.
It is not by a stroke of good luck that Dr Munavvar chose a cafe in the block next to Theemuge. As the old saying goes "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line".
This documentary is to be screened after Dr Munavvar is sworn in as the President of Maldives.