Reeko Moosa increase parliament member salary to get new car because his old car impure from alcohol case discovered by police.
"Old car impure and polluted. Brand new car purchase with new salary. It is like going to Hajj to wash sins." Reeko Moosa MDP Parliamentary Group Leader told at Majlis debate.
Sheikh Shaheem and Adhaalath Party welcomed salary increase.
"Old cars of parliamentarians impure with alcohol, sex and bribe. New cars symbol of 100% Islamic state we proud." Adhaalath party said in statement.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
So Wrong A Damn Maniac opens campaign jagaha
So Wrong A Damn Maniac (SRGADMMANC) launched campaign jagaha (booth) in Machan-goalhi. SRGADMMANC millionaire after leasing Machchafushi resort. Recently SRGADMMANC speak on justice in Buraasfathivaru. SRGADMMANC knows very well about justice because he was lawyer in previous life. He was lawyer for Italian investor who invest in Machchafushi Resort. Later all documents show SRGADMMANC gets resort ownership. So Italian investor go back home crying. This is sweet justice of Maldives for foreign investor. SRGADMMANC knows very well about justice so he speak about justice on top of cafe Buraasfathivaru. His campaign Veshi Fahi Male now open in jagaha.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christiano Ronaldo come to Maldives to find his relatives
Christiano Ronaldo famous football player playing in Real Madrid Spanish club come to Maldives to find his relatives. Maldives ruled by Portuguese for 15 years before. Ali Manik living in Raa Atoll said he hope he related to Ronaldo because he might get some dollars from millionaire football star. Ali Manik who support Adhaalath Party said Nasheed government worse than Andhiri Andhirin because Nasheed government trying to erase Islam Dheen from Maldives. Manik want to come to Male and join protest to save Arabiyya School. Arabiyya School very holy school funded by Saudi but Nasheed now want to close school and put Sula Shiraz into throats of every Maldivian. Sheikh Shaheem resign frustrated. Christiano Ronaldo said at airport he loves Maldives. He said this is his first time in Maldives to Mariyam Waheeda from Heyyanbo programme MNBC One. Ronaldo said if Mohamed Thakurufaanu did not save Maldives many Maldivians will be playing football in European clubs and Maldives qualify for World Cup. Ali Manik said if Mohamed Thakurufaanu did not save Maldives all Maldivians will now be faranjee and drink alcohol. There will be no Arabiyya School also. Manik think new Mohamed Thakurufaanu needed to save Arabiyya School and Islam Dheen in Maldives. He thinks new hero is Sheikh Shaheem.

Save Arabiyya protest photo by Ahmed Zahid

Save Arabiyya protest photo by Ahmed Zahid
Thursday, December 23, 2010
President Nasheed wins Mr MNDF contest
President Nasheed won Mr MNDF contest organized by Mohamed Nasheed Defense Force (MNDF). Mr Nasheed is also commander-in-chief of MNDF. Mr Nasheed recently won Hustler magazine's Person of the Year award.
Friday, December 10, 2010
An eye for an eye
"We will take an eye from an Israeli for each eye the visiting medical team plucks out of a Maldivian. After all, an eye for an eye is prescribed in Islamic Shariah," the President of Islamic Foundation of Maldives said in a statement today.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Special Enjoy's message on anti-corruption Day
Special enjoy to President Ibrahim Hussain Zaki called all Maldivians to fight against corruption. It is big illness and cure is very difficult. special enjoy said. Corrupt people are there in all governments he said.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
ZakiLeaks Part2: An Enjoy for All Presidents
President's Special Enjoy Ibrahim Hussain Zaki is an enjoy for all presidents. When Gayoom was president Zaki tourism minister and then planning minister. Zaki asked tourism industry big businessmen to finance biography for Gayoom. So biography writer was brought. His name Royston Ellis. A biography written on Gayoom named A Man for All Islands. In huvadhoo dialect this means Hutuhai Rataka Huttu Beyya. Zaki always praise Gayoom and ask Champa Afeef to give money to Ellis for biography writing. Then come reform movement to topple Gayoom. Soon Zaki become very important figure in reform. He become Vice President of MDP. Later he become Special Enjoy. Now he always praise Nasheed and Nasheed let Zaki be corrupt. Soon Zaki will ask Ellis to write biography for Nasheed and ask Champa Afeef to finance biography. This biography name is A Brother for All Flats (Hutuhai Flatakah Huttu Dhon Beyya)
Friday, December 3, 2010
ZakiLeaks Part 1: Smuggling for Athama
Special Enjoy of President Ibrahim Hussain Zaki married to lady from Athama family. She is sister of ex-Police Commissioner Adam Zahir's wife. When Zaki was minister and Adam Zahir police commissioner they both go to airport when Hajj pilgrim's luggage arrives. Athama Hajj Group give identical suitcases to pilgrims. Athama group bring more luggage in addition to pilgrims luggage. Inside this luggage there are many items for Athama shops. All this items imported into Maldives without paying any customs duty. Nobody at airport no Customs staff no security staff has guts to ask what's inside luggage. Because Adam Zahir very powerful man. Zaki always go with Adam Zahir to airport to smuggle Athama goods in Hajj boxes. End of Part 1 of ZakiLeaks.
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