Saturday, October 18, 2008

Suneetha loves Maumoon

Maldivian pole dancer Suneetha has come to the rescue of DRP because all opposition candidates and all opposition businessmen (including Solah Shihab) are now united for change.

"I love Maumoon. I felt it was my religious and legal obligation to come to his rescue when he is in time of trouble," Suneetha said on stage at a DRP function showing support from local singers and dancers for DRP. She and Maumoon then danced to a modified version of Beatles' Let It Be.

"When i find myself in times of trouble
dancer Suneetha comes to me
singing words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
Suneetha is standing right in front of me
singing words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be x4
sing words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the brokenhearted politicians in Maldives will agree
there will be an answer, let it be.
For after the second round there is still a chance that they will see me
there will be an answer, let it be.

Let it be x2

And when the night is cloudy
there is still a light that shines on me
shining from Shafiu's head, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
dancer Suneetha comes to me
singing words of wisdom, let it be."

Maumoon sang as Suneetha danced.

In the audience middle-aged ladies like Fathma Fulhi looked in awe as the night dragged on.


Anonymous said...

lol :D

Anonymous said...

DRP manifesto includes promises of promoting pole dancing, buying a camera setup for Arifa, funding the next Nahula film, etc. Are we surprised?

Anonymous said...

Maumoon has been the biggest actor in Maldives for 30 years. Maumoon inspires the rest of the actors. If an award is to be given, none can beat Mr. Golhaa (the screen name of Maumoon)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who ever the president is, you are what you believe.
it's not a 100% muslim country anymore...
just look at the
crime rate, drug addicts, alcohol consumption,
numb of ppl committing adultery,
even getting pregnant...
If maumoon is saying that this is 100% muslim country, i question him why all this is happening...

only ppl who have less faith in religion will use religion as a tool of war.....

specially in things like politics...
i ask maumoon where in our religion states that getting women to dance on stage for campaign reasons is a muslim tradition......
get your facts straight.
we're trying for a better change...

a change that would help our future...
think about it before you vote.
you're not voting for ANNI you're voting for a CHANGE
insha allah a better one.
Go for it...

PLS PASS n let others know why they need to VOTE FOR CHANGE

Anonymous said...

Naked girls, dancing women..What next? Keep it up maumoon!

Anonymous said...

Hon. Ibrahim shihab condemning these dances.