Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sheikh Ilyas to undress MPs but girl arrested for wearing revealing clothes

Sheikh Ilyas is going to undress MPs in parliament when he is summoned to penal code committee but 16 year old Maldivian girl arrested on street for wearing revealing clothes. If the girl is also a MP then Maldives Police Service will not arrest her because Sheikh Ilyas is going to undress her anyway. Maldives Police Service is now religious police. Attorney General Bisham is now going to submit draft law to parliament on Maldivian women's dress code. Mini skirts three inches below waist will be too short for moral police and will be arrested on spot. Mini skirts four inches below waist will be indecent and will be warned on spot. Police Commissioner Abdulla Riyaz Miss is now going to Saudi Arabia for religious police training. Instead of Scotland now trainers for Maldives Police will come from Saudi Arabia. They will train police and also preach in Ramazan and go back after Eid after drinking a vodka in Qasim Ibrahim's Paradise.

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