Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Qasim's mother died before he was born

Qasim's mother died 3 months before he was born. His father got blind when he was 3 months old. He came to Male' as an orphan. He cleaned the bicycles of Abbas Ibrahim and Ilyas Ibrahim when he was growing up in Endherimaage. As a reward for keeping the bicycle spotless and clean, Ilyas is now supporting Qasim in the presidential race. You also can support Qasim. This blog supported Qasim in the 2008 presidential race too. Adhaalath Party is supporting Qasim too. If you are a kind person and if you get easily moved to tears after watching Hindhi dramas you must vote for Qasim because he came to Male' as an orphan and built a business empire. Qasim deserves our sympathy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SEAXAN is the REAXAN why I am voting for GAXIM!