Sunday, August 24, 2008

No good English required in Maldives with Gasim as future president

I know I not good in English. I write broken English. I finish school at Grade 7. Maumoon did not give good school to our island. No good teachers. I went to resort first as room boy. My story is like Gasim's story. Gasim poor boy come from poor background and he meet Ilyas and he become rich. I poor boy come from poor background and I go to Al Fresco and I become intelligent. I become good blogger.

Commenter said bad comment about last post. Commenter said I not write if I can't write in good English. But what is need for good English in future Maldives. Whether New Maldives or Aneh Dhivehi Raajje, no need for good English in future Maldives. Because even future president Gasim can't write, read or speak in good English.

I can get good people to write good English. Naseem write good English. Raziin Vitesse write good English. Moosa Anwar write many many good English in Facebook. All Republican Party members. But what is use of good English in future Maldives when President Buruma can't speak good english?

Dr Munavvar running mate and Gasim candidate. A winning combination.


Anonymous said...

not even good dhivehi

the idiot!

Gasim had supposedly said in a meeting.
"Hard work hardly pays"

What he meant was, doing hard work will get you lot of money.

the idiot - i bet he doesn't know how he got rich. OMG!! how come i have a lot of money in my account today. That must be their doing. Well, what to do.

Anonymous said...

I want to vote for Gasim. At least it will make a lot laugh out loud! I hope he pledges to give many speeches (specially English).

Iya said...

gasim cant be president. isnt there like a standard of education that must be completed if you are to be president?

just vote for me and all your problems will be solved.