Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sheikh Shaheem to rehabilitate Guantanamo Bay prisoners

Maldives Minister of State for Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed is to start a rehabilitation programme for prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.

"We selected Shaheem based on his credentials and his successful rehabilitation of the infamous radicals from Himandhoo Island," a White House spokesperson told the Associated Press.

Sheikh Shaheem has been in the spotlight recently for successfully rehabilitating Islamic extremists from Himandhoo Island who had clashed with the military in the Maldives. The young scholar is currently in the United States attending a seminar on countering radicalism.

The U.S. government's announcement comes at a time when the Obama Administration is keen on closing the high security prison in Cuba reserved for terrorists. However, cases of ex-prisoners from Guantanamo taking lead in new clashes in Afghanistan has created considerable opposition for plans to close down the prison, initiated by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks.

Sheikh Shaheem, the revered scholar from Adhaalath Party, will rehabilitate the prisoners and pave the way for successful closure of the prison before the end of President Obama's first term in office.

1 comment:

Yaamyn said...


Shaheem must be awarded a Pulitzer AND a Nobel for his tremendous achievement of defeating extremism with just his mouth.

Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer approve admiringly.