Villa Gas, the largest supplier of LPG cooking gas in Maldives, is giving free gas cylinders to the supporters of Dr Munavvar.
In a function held at Al Fresco cafe the campaign was started by Kalbe and Kurendhoo Mahir. Chairman of Villa Group Qasim Ibrahim could not attend the function because he had to attend a meeting with some officials from Asian Development Bank (ADB) in his capacity as Minister of Finance.
Qasim's busy schedule is keeping him away from most functions of Dr Munavvar campaign but the richest man in Maldives has already pledged millions for the campaign. His close associates such as Kalbe, Thuthubey, KD and Kurendhoo Mahir are plotting new strategies to maintain the lead that Dr Munavvar now has over his rivals. Le Cute Majid has left to an undisclosed location with a few millions and bottles of CK Truth and CK Contradiction to get more support for Dr Munavvar. Qasim's best business buddy Rado (Reefside) Zahir is giving away free Citizen watches for supporters of Dr Munavvar.
"I am now busy meeting ADB people. So I am sorry I can no attend. But I am building good contacts with ADB, IDB, IMF and World Bank. When Dr Munavvar comes as President we have good links with the whole international financial family. We will no need support of international conservatives," a statement issued by Qasim was read out at Al Fresco by Ratziin Vidtesse.
Encouraged by its success in trade and with an aim to tap into the potential of this segment, Villa Group is setting up a world class storage infrastructure at Thilafushi Island with the following facilities:-
- 3 LPG Horton spheres of 1750 m3 each along with a bottling plant suitable for filing 300 bottles at the rate of 12kg per hour. (operational since May 2002)
- A Fuel Farm for the storage of petrol, diesel and heavy oil with a total capacity of 38,000 m3.
- Cement Silos for storing up to 8,000 tons of cement along with a packing facility capable of packing up to 900 bags (weighing 50 kg) per hour as well as a facility to pack jumbo-sized bags weighing 1,000 kg.
In addition to his business at Thilafushi, Qasim Ibrahim owns a chilli field at Sun Island. Chilli grown by Villa Chilli is sold in Local Market in Male'.

hmmmmm. this is history repeating itself? sounds familiar. in 1999 during the parliamentary elections reformists were backing Anni while the pro-Qasim faction was behind Ilyas Ibrahim. The only significant person who was with Anni camp in 1999 and in Munavvar camp now is Ahanma. The only (in)significant person who was in Ilyas camp in 1999 and now in no camp at all is DO Sappe. But even Sappe retains links with Qasim. Reefside Zahir was supporting Ilyas Ibrahim even then. No wonder. The sad thing is these stooges of the government have found their way into MDP and some MDP members think that they are senior MDP figures. It will not be a surprise if Qasim starts giving shares of Villa Company to supporters of Munavvar.
Why did so many senior MDP members regularly visit Qasim's campaign office during DRP Congress when Qasim was running for Deputy Zaeem? From Haa Dhaal Member for Special Majlis Ahmed Adil to Baa Atoll Member for Special Majlis Ali Faiz, they are all Qasim's babies and spoon fed by Qasim. From Le Cute Majid to Air Freshner KD, all "kuda seytu" are following the "bodu seytu". The question is can MDP be saved from the clutches of Qasim? After speaking a few words at Minivan Bahus, and financing his candidates for Special Majlis elections, and urging the people to go home on Black Friday, this egomaniac is finally putting the next card on the table: Dr Munavvar. Mi ee dhen kihaa bodu balaa eh tha. kaley kedi kandulakun ney kaley hithi filuvaanee. kaley 42 meehun ge therey soi kurevuneema kaleyge amilla haru mudhaa kamah MDP vanee tha.
Eyna gas ves vikkaane,
Eyna mirus ves vikkaane,
Eyna MDP ah ves beyneyne,
Eyna kharadhu ves kuraane,
Eyna kadoo hithi filuvaane,
Eyna mulhi gaumu dhiruvaane,
Hello. My name is Salima Abu Diuof. I am the daughter of late General Diuof Bashir from Nigeria. My father left me a fortune of US$4,000,000 which is now deposited in a bank in Nigeria. I want this money to be transferred to an overseas offshore bank. I need a person to assist me in transferring the money. I am writing here because I found this blog from a Google search for Qasim Ibrahim. Your finance minister Qasim Ibrahim showed interest in helping me and he met me in Dubai. However, after I asked him to assist me and pay a small amount to start the initial work of money transfer, I haven't heard from him. He doesn't even answer the phone when I call to numbers given by one blog reader. What can I do?
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