"The best biography of the decade since The Audacity of Hope" - The Times Literary Supplement
"Move aside John Grisham. Here is a real life legal drama" - Publishers' Weekly
"The best autobiography ever" - Kalbe
In 2007 Dr Munavvar took the political realm of Maldives by storm when he won the MDP election after beating his longtime friend Ibrahim Hussain Zaki and became the president of the party through a table to table campaign. In 2008 he challenged the party's co-founder and ex-chairperson Anni (who stole Velaanaage when Dr Munavvar was AG) in the MDP Primaries. With the smart strategies of political gurus such as Kalbe, KD, Le Cute Majid, Kurendhoo Mahir and with the financial backing from the richest businessmen in the Maldives such as Rado Zahir and Buruma Qasim Ibrahim, Dr Munavvar is expected to win this election. MDP members are delighted to have such a clean man as a candidate because Dr Munavvar has no history of corruption although his enemies spread false stories against him such as the story of breadfruit man.
Only a few months separate the Doc, as he is affectionately called by his closest circle of friends, from entering the presidential palace Theemuge, after beating his former boss Gayoom for whom the Doc gave legal advice for 10 years on such sensitive issues such as the formation of political parties in the Maldives.
Political analysts are perplexed as to how the former Attorney General and the partner of Munavvar & Associates Law Firm, became such a political genius. To find the answers to the mystery one would have to travel to a distant land, where winters are bitter, as Hitler's army found out during the Second World War.
From September 1979 to June 1985 Dr Munavvar studied in Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University in Russia's capital Moscow. At the height of Cold War, in a capital city swarming with foreign spies and KGB officers, Dr Munavvar learned the skills of the trade. Now an autobiography from the genius himself reveals the little known facts about his days in Moscow.
From Russia with Law is the autobiography of Dr Mohamed Munavvar, the president of MDP. This is the first volume of his autobiography. This volume recalls the days he was studying in Russia and Canada. This volume ends with his appointment as Attorney General on 11 November 1993.
Dr Munavvar's previous book on international maritime law has been acclaimed by legal experts as one of the best books ever written on the topic.
From Russia with Law is a must read for all aspiring lawyers, practicing barristers and wannabe politicians.
Already a bestseller on Amazaon.com, the sales of this autobiography is expected to increase after Dr Munavvar becomes the President of Maldives.
I was librarian at University when he was studying. Very smart student. I am so happy he becoming president of Maldives. Я - так счастливый Munavvar, становится президентом Мальдивов. Я выпью три бутылки водки, чтобы праздновать.
I am studying at Faculty of Shariah and Law. How can I get a copy of this book?
I heard that Abbas Adil Riza is now translating From Russia with Law into Dhivehi. This will be the most popular book in Dhivehi since Saikuraa Naeem's Egathuluge Sirru. When will Tedry start making a movie on this?
To: Ismail, Name of the law book is
"Ocean States : The Archipelgic Regimes in the law of the Sea"
When you write on google you will this at the very firt match.
About the book
This is the first comprehensive study on archipelagic regimes published since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982. The book traces the historical evolution of the archipelagic concept in international law and examines the definition of archipelagos and archipelagic states. The nature, status and regime of the waters of different types of archipelagos is examined and analysed from the perspective of archipelagic states and is based on the requirement of such states for territorial integrity and self-determination. The book introduces the concept of Ocean States' and links Ocean States with the archipelagic concept. The archipelagic concept is viewed as a practical as well as a functional basis for the determination of the territorial limits of Ocean States.
When you read you will know the difference of DOC . You know after the book Internation legal definition for "Archipelagic Regimes" is the definition by Dr. M Munavvar and the legal concepts are used all over the world to solve maritimes boundary disputes.
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