Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Why is everyone say Dr Munavvar is so bad and corrupt?

Why is everyone say Dr Munavvar is so bad and corrupt? I am so confused. When I start eating at Al Fresco I heard from everybody that Dr Munavvar is good man. He come to Al Fresco many times and he sit next to the table where we sit many times.

My friend Naseem who polish my English language gone to bangkok on business trip. So many grammar mistakes. Sorry.

I read article person who commented on this blog said. I read it here. From that website I find the original article here. I also find another blog person's blog here.

The another blog person say Munavvar very bad.

Accusations of corruption leveled at the two have never been answered satisfactorily and it should be noted that Munavvar is the architect of the flawed constitution currently taking so much resources and time to ammend. To my knowledge neither have said sorry in public for anything they've done while with Gayoom. After Sandhaanu Zaki dramatically shouted at Munavvar, at his MDP leadership campaign, that he was responsible for the online editor's years of torture and suffering, the former attorney was forced to come up with with a half-hearted explanation. Apparently, Gayoom forced him to do all the bad things he did in office, while he was fully responsible for all the good things. In a laughable early speech at an MDP rally Munavvar blamed Gayoom for the constitution but took the credit for himself for creating the law school.

I want to ask Naseem about truth. He is very good Munavvar supporter. I think he come from Bangkok Airways flight soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats a easy way to shun responsbility."Gayoom forced Munawwar" to do whatever he did bad...how do you expect people to trust such a person who does whatever he has to do just to stay as attorney. We dont need a president who can be forced into anything.