Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our Moment is Here. Dr Munavvar is Here.

Ladies and Gentlemen! There comes moments in the history of countries, when citizens search for leaders. There comes moments when citizens search for visionary people who can lead the country. When countries need steadfast people who can lead them into improved living standards.

Let us not make our martyrs' death be in vain. Let us not make our forefathers suffering be nothing but pain. We have to decide who can lead our nation.

Our moment is here. Dr Munavvar is here.

(This is small speech Naseem writes. Tomorrow we going to Al Fresco and we ask Kurendhoo Mahir and Kalbe, if Dr Munavvar can use this speech. We going to use this in campaign materials like this blog. Now Naseem back from Bangkok, I think we can write better articles and get high support for Dr Munavvar)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Naseem stole lines from Obama speeches, did he ever give a thought that Munavvar will have to give speeches in Dhivehi, and not in English?