Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ahmed Sawad not come to Maldives for 16 years. but trying to lease resorts for 50 years.
great men. who were outside Maldives for long time. but came for short time and brought big change.
Abul Barakaath Yoosuful Barbaree not born in Maldives but die in Maldives at Medhu ziyaaraiy. He come for short holiday and see girl cry in house. He trick the sea demon Rannamaari. put it in bottle. and then convert King to islam. then king told Maldivians to convert to Islam.
Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari study in Medina for long time. Then he come Maldives and make Adhaalath and try to make Gasim Ibrahim good Muslim. then he try to make Gasim president to make Maldivians 120% Muslims.
Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik stay in UN for long time. He come and he go from maldives. Then he come and form Gaumee Ithihaad and elected Vice President of republic of Maldives. promise many changes.
Ahmed Ali Sawad not come to Maldives for 16 years. Then he come and join Republican Party. he choose to be Gasim's running mate. Then he appointed tourism minister. then he try to lease resorts for 50 years.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Naseem stuck in Bangkok
"This is huge loss," Naseem told me on phone using a Dhiraagu roaming phone.
I not going to night classes now. Because our teacher has left to Australia to get PhD in English. So I can't see Lubna now. Lubna now looking for job from President's Office.
I hear from Reethi Rah strike from TV. When I left my island I worked as roomboy in resort. I know resort employers very badly treating employees. I very sad to hear news Gasim and Sawad can't control mess. I don't support resort lease for 50 years also.
Now no night classes. So I write politics again in this blog. But English polishing only after Naseem come back from Bangkok. As experienced person in tourism industry as roomboy I will write on issues. I suggest Nasheed fire Sawad and Gasim immediately.
Sawad as running mate Gasim failed. Now with Sawad and Gasim as ministers Anni will fail too. Anni should also make Dr Munavvar Speical Advisor to President to deal this political crisis.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
i like you. i hoping you like me too.
your eyes,
like diamonds,
your lips,
like jewelry,
when you smile.
i like you.
i hoping you like me too.
you walk like,
a graceful maakana.
and you talk like
the singing of Madonna.
i like you.
i hoping you like me too.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Smooth Transition Part 1: Phone Call Between Anni and Maumoon
Maumoon: So have you selected the cabinet?
Nasheed: Yes
Maumoon: I heard that Dr Shaheed is the foreign minister
Nasheed: Yes
Maumoon: Ah! That is a good lad. He called me father of democracy. He said I belonged to the Club of Madrid* with such esteemed world leaders as Nelson Mandela and Bill Clinton. Such a good lad. But spoiled by Dr Hassan. Who is the tourism minister?
Nasheed: Ahmed Ali Sawadh
Maumoon: Another good lad. He will increase corruption in the industry. He will please the resort owners. I am satisfied. Because I still hold some shares in a few resorts.
Nasheed: Which resorts?
Maumoon: That is a secret. I can't let you know that. You have taken my job. Now I have to have a source of income. Shouldn't I? I am old and Nasreena is old. We can't beg on the street at this age.
Nasheed: But Aneesa has proposed a bill on your behalf...
Maumoon: Don't you think I know what will happen, wise guy? You will replace the 8 members that I appointed with your own members. We will lose the majority in Majlis. Aneesa's bill will be thrown out.
Nasheed: I don't know. I will not have any control over the parliament.
Maumoon: But I am quite happy to know that your cabinet will consist of corrupt people. At least you will not get a good name from the people. Even you will not be saved from my legacy of corruption. That's what I call a smooth transition.
Nasheed: I know. That is why I am trying to save my face and hold a mid-term election. I will not stay as president after that.
Maumoon: Ah! I might contest in that election. If the DRP members allow me. Now let's get to serious business. In Theemuge there will be a top secret room. You will find strange equipment and different buttons. If the country is in danger and you need foreign assistance press the yellow button. Indian military planes will land at Hulhule within 45 minutes. In case of a regional or world war press the red button. Missiles will go from Aarah to various countries.
Nasheed: I didn't know you had such an arsenal.
Maumoon: I am not telling you every secret. Only the basic ones. Now let me tell you the location of the keys of the armoury.
Nasheed: No. I don't wanna know that before I take oath. I know how you were nailed in the Siyaasath program.
Maumoon: But for a smooth transition to take place, I have to tell you the location of the keys of the armoury.
Nasheed: I don't wanna know
Maumoon: Alright wise guy. I have told you enough. Now will you let me live in Muleeaage?
Nasheed: It is up to the Majlis to decide...
Maumoon: You are not as dumb as I thought. Now I have to bid farewell to the Gurkas in the palace. I will call you tomorrow to give you the details of my underground bunkers.
* The Club of Madrid is an independent organization dedicated to strengthening democracy around the world by drawing on the unique experience and resources of its Members – 70 democratic former heads of state and government. In partnership with other organizations and governments that share its democracy-promotion goals, the Club of Madrid provides peer to peer counsel, strategic support and technical advice to leaders and institutions working towards democratic transition and consolidation.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thank you for the Shazra
Dr Shaheed want to make history. As person who appointed as foreign minister by two consecutive presidents. Becoming foreign minister after resigning one term.
Dr Shaheed very happy to reunite with his mistress Shazra at foreign ministry. He make Shazra very senior staff when he was minister. Now he can unite with Shazra for change.
Dr Shaheed will appoint former H & K employees to diplomatic missions in Copenhagen and Oslo. He form new embassies in Reykjavik, Antarctica and Greenland in new term.
Maldivians experience only 2 foreign ministers in last 30 years. Gayoom friend Fathulla foreign minister before Gayoom elected too. Then in 2005 Dr Shaheed start foreign minister. Now again in Anni cabinet Dr Shaheed. Old wine in new bottle.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Dr Munavvar gets a place in new cabinet
1. Minister of Education: Dr Musthafa Luthfy
2. Minister of Finance: Ali Hashim
3. Minister of Defence: Ameen Faisal
4. Minister of Health: Dr Aminath Jameel
5. Minister of Housing: Mohamed Aslam
6. Minister of Fisheries: Dr Ibrahim Didi
7. Minister of Home Affairs: Gasim Ibrahim
8. Attorney General: Dr Mohamed Munavvar
9. Minister of Tourism: Ahmed Ali Sawadh
10. Minister of Islamic Affairs: Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari
11. Minister of Economics and Trade: Sarangu Adam Maniku
12. Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dr Ahmed Shaheed
13. Minister of Justice: Dr Mohamed Jameel
14. Minister of Youth: Hassan Latheef
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Dr Munavvar more experienced and suitable for cabinet post
1. Dr Shaheed has got only two years of experience in cabinet. He was appointed foreign minister in 2005 and he resigned in 2007. His experience in foreign ministry was mostly with his girlfriend Shazra and listening to old Bob Dylan songs.
2. Dr Shaugee aslo has about five years of experience in cabinet. First as education minister and then as tourism minister. His experience in tourism ministry is mostly taking bribes from Aitken Spence and other resort owners. This is not a story made by us. This is verified by DO Editor Sappe, the most authentic source of news about Maldives. Sappe will personally arrive in Maldives on November 8 to verify this story. He has already done the flight booking.
3. Dr Hassan Saeed has only four years of experience as Attorney General beginning from November 2003. His experience is mostly charging political activists.
4. Dhiyana Saeed has no experience at all. She was promoted up to eight levels in ranking by Dr Hassan Saeed because she was active member of DRP.
5. Lolly Jabir has 5 years of experience in Majlis but no experience in cabinet. But he has experience of fooling foreign investors and not paying staff salary.
6. Adil Saleem has got experience of corruption in MIFCO. He is expert of home-made porn.
7. ADK Nashid was smuggler when he was seaman before he became respected member of society.
So Dr Munavvar is better than them. Anni and Dr Waheed is good. But Anni, Dr Waheed and Dr Munavvar is better. (Anni, Dr Waheed ragalheve. Anni, Dr Waheed, Dr Munavvar adhi maa ragalheve.)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
They are all flipflops
People are blaming Dr Munavvar because he made some suddent decisions recently. He left MDP and joined the Republican Party. Then he left Republican Party and is trying to make the Labour Party. But if he is a flipflop then all others in the political field are flipflops too.
1. Dr Shaugee got corrupt when he was in tourism ministry. He took bribes from resort deals. He got kickbacks from deals made with the Sri Lankan hotel chain Aitken Spence. It was Dr Shaugee who let Aitken Spence get a foothold in Maldives resort industry. DO editor Sappe has exposed Dr Shaugee's corruption. Now Ibrahim Hussain Zaki has exposed in recent press conference that Aitken Spence gave millions of dollars to Maumoon campaign. The money came from Aitken Spence to Inner Maldives Firaq account and from Firaq account to Farish Maumoon account. After Dr Shaugee quit Maumoon cabinet he accepted post of University of Maldives dean. But after Anni won election Dr Shaugee went to Thin Baaru Vaki Kuraa Maidhan and said he was always a reformist.
2. Dhiyana Saeed got promotions because she was active in DRP. She was working for New Maldives faction. After New Maldives faction quit DRP she remained in DRP. But all of sudden she went to Republican Party because her husband was running out of money and Gasim was giving money.
3. Lolly Jabir was in DRP. But when Yameen quit cabinet Lolly Jabir became critical too. After some time he left PA and joined Republican Party.
4. People accuse Dr Munavvar because he said bad comments about MDP when he quit MDP. But Dr Shaheed gave more harmful comments against reform movement. When he was Chief Spokesman he was always saying MDP was rabblerousers and troublemakers. He was saying it on BBC. He was telling it to foreign ambassadors. When he quit Maumoon cabinet also he said Maumoon was a good man and deserved to be with honourable people like Nelson Mandela. He said Maumoon was the father of democracy. But now Dr Shaheed is saying Maumoon is not good. Dr Shaheed is the worst flipflop.
5. Adil Saleem was very corrupt when he was MIFCO Managing Director. He always voted for Maumoon. But all of a sudden he has become a reformist and he is waiting to become the fisheries minister.
They are all worse than Dr Munavvar. They don't have the political skills or academic qualities of Dr Munavvar. If anyone deserves a post from the new cabinet it is Dr Munavvar.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Dr Munavvar should be given a post in new cabinet
1. Dr Munavvar has no history of corruption. But DO Editor Sappe, who is the most authentic source of news about Maldives, has exposed the corruption of Dr Shaugee when he was the tourism minister. It is alleged that Dr Shaugee took millions of dollars as bribe from resort deals. Dr Shaugee has built his house high. But Dr Munavvar lives in a modest house. Dr Shaugee has shares in many resorts and has share in Nalahiya Hotel in Male'. Dr Munavvar lives a simple life and does not have any shares in resorts.
2. Dr Ahmed Shaheed brought his close friends and relatives to high ranks when he was the foreign minister. He gave promotion to his girlfriend Shazra who worked in foreign ministry. He gave promotion to other people who were close to him in foreign ministry. But when Dr Munavvar was the Attorney General he did not promote his friends and relatives.
3. When Dr Hassan Saeed was the Attorney General he pressed charges against more than 100 reform activists. But when Dr Munavvar was the Attorney General he pressed charges against only a handful of political activists. Dr Hassan Saeed had good links with Gayoom's sons and in-laws. That's why Shuaib Shah was so close to Dr Hassan. But Dr Munavvar did not do a favour to Gayoom's relatives. That's why Abdulla Hameed hated Dr Munavvar and wanted him removed.
4. Abdulla Jabir is a corrupt man and he benefitted from dirty deals made by Yameen. Jabir also owes money to many people and Jabir doesn't even pay salaries to some staff. But Dr Munavvar does not owe any money to anybody. People owe money to him.
5. ADK Nashid got the hospital deal only after paying kickbacks to government officials. He charges very high prices from ordinary Maldivians in the name of good healthcare. But Dr Munavvar does not charge extra high fees from his clients for his law practice. He is willing to work for free for ordinary Maldivians to represent them in courts.
6. Dhiyana Saeed got promotions in AG Office only because she was working very hard for DRP. But Dr Munavvar got the cabinet post because of his education and qualities.
We take this opportunity to congratulate the president-elect Mohamed Nasheed and call upon the coalition of the parties to consider Dr Munavvar as one of the cabinet ministers in the new government.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Suneetha books 30 tickets from Singapore Airlines
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Vote for Maumoon is a Vote for Suneetha
Under the agreement Suneetha will be able to perform twice a week at Jumhooree Maidhan. She will use the mast of the big flag as a pole. The government will also give access to the flag mast in Medhu Ziyaaraiy to Suneetha to use as a pole for dancing.
"Medhu Ziyaaraiy is a symbol of our Islamic heritage. The big flag is a symbol of our nationalism and independence. We are happy to announce this agreement which will introduce pole dancing to Medhu Ziyaaraiy and the Jumhooree Maidhan, making this 100% Muslim country, the world's first democracy with moderate Islam," said Alhan Fahmy, a DRP Spokesperson and a well-learned scholar who studied Shariah and Law at Al-Azhar University.
Under the agreement, Suneetha will get the post of Minister of Gender and Entertainment. She will also get 2% shares in all government-run companies like STO, STELCO and MIFCO.
Faathma Fulhi, an elderly woman from Henveiru Avah Koppa Committee and a longtime supporter of Maumoon, described this deal as "a small step for Suneetha but a long step for women's rights in the Maldives."
"Suneetha always knows the right steps and moves," she added.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Faathma Fulhi loves Maumoon
We caught up with Faathma Fulhi while she was on a pickup truck wearing a blue dhigu hedhun and blue scarve. She was taking all her grandchildren for a DRP truck ride. It took us sometime to convince her to leave the truck and share a few minutes with us. When I told her that I was Lubna from HFM she showed more enthusiasm.
Why are you voting for Maumoon?
FF: Because I have voted for him in all six elections since 1978
What are your most vivid images of earlier days of Maumoon's presidency?
FF: I was recruited to Avah Koppa Committee in 1980. We organised the protests against former President Nasir. I can still sing the anti-Nasir songs sung by Haaburi. The cartoons were pretty good too. I can also remember how handsome Maumoon was with his round spectacles and safari suits.
Do you think Dr Hassan has a resemblance to Maumoon of 1970s and 80s ?
FF: Yes. But Maumoon was er.. er.. is still more handsome.
What do you think of Civil Service Act?
FF: It is unfair that I will have to retire within a few years. I will miss the Avah Koppaa Committee. But as long as Maumoon is our President we will have no worries.
When is the Avah Koppaa Committee most active?
FF: During the elections. We go to houses in Henveiru and convince the voters that Maumoon is the best. Actually it was not the MDP that introduced door-to-door campaigning. We were doing it in the 80s too, only more discreetly.
What were the rewards for your work?
FF: You must have heard about the loans from the President's Office. I have received them three times. It is only now that an independent Auditor General is discovering this. We were receiving it during 80s too.
What did you do with the loans?
FF: I did replace my house's roof once. Let me see. I went to India once and stayed in Trivandrum for a year. It was so long ago. I can't remember all things that I did with the money....
What were you doing in Trivandrum?
FF: There were so many unmarried pregnant girls going there for abortion. I knew the discreet clinics. I was just giving them a helping hand....
Have you repaid the loans?
FF: Not yet.
Are you religious?
FF: Yes. In a 100% Muslim country all people are 100% religious.
When did you wear Buruga?
FF: After i came back from Hajj the first time. I brought 3 kg of gold from Mecca. Made quite a profit. Did several Tawaf around Kauba too.
Have you personally met with Maumoon?
FF: Of course. Several times. I still want to shake his hands. They are so soft....
So what do you think of the new DRP tactic of having dancing girls on stage?
FF: Most Maldivians like dances. They hero worship Seezan, Niuma and Manik. So I think it makes sense. I have attended all Galaxy shows in Olympus in 80s. It is good to see some music and dance in politics.
Do you think Suneetha will make a good First Lady if Nasreena dies?
FF: Yes. Er.. I haven't thought about it before. But I will be glad to be the First Lady...
Do you think Thasmeen will make a good President if Maumoon dies?
FF: No. There can be no other good president except Maumoon.
What have you got to say regarding Anni's claims that he will take the oath on 11 November?
FF: Only in his dreams. %&@#%&
FF: Now if you will excuse me I have to go back to my pickup truck.
Special thanks to Naseem and Microsoft Word Thesaurus for help with English polishing in this post.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Suneetha loves Maumoon
"I love Maumoon. I felt it was my religious and legal obligation to come to his rescue when he is in time of trouble," Suneetha said on stage at a DRP function showing support from local singers and dancers for DRP. She and Maumoon then danced to a modified version of Beatles' Let It Be.
"When i find myself in times of trouble
dancer Suneetha comes to me
singing words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
Suneetha is standing right in front of me
singing words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be x4
sing words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the brokenhearted politicians in Maldives will agree
there will be an answer, let it be.
For after the second round there is still a chance that they will see me
there will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be x2
And when the night is cloudy
there is still a light that shines on me
shining from Shafiu's head, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
dancer Suneetha comes to me
singing words of wisdom, let it be."
Maumoon sang as Suneetha danced.
In the audience middle-aged ladies like Fathma Fulhi looked in awe as the night dragged on.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dr Hassan Saeed and Hrithik Roshan to appear in movie together
Dr Hassan applied to register Maldives National Party recently and the movie will be released by February 2009 when his party contests for parliamentary seats in Maldives.
Dr Hassan has a huge following among female voters in Maldives and his popularity has pushed Manik, Muhamma Kalo, and jade (jadulla), the Maldivian TV stars, to backseat of fame.
Dr Hassan is now in a coalition with his political rivals in a bid to oust Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the president of Maldives, who also has a huge following among female voters, and female TV stars such as Suneetha and Sheela. If Gayoom, who has been the president for 30 years, is ousted, Dr Hassan will make a bid for presidency after 15 months.
The movie is funded by Solah Shihab, the Maldivian tycoon and former diplomat, who owns Voyages Maldives travel company and Seagull Cafe.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Solah Shihab unites for change
The people are with Gasim

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Gasim to giveaway 500 rufiya notes to voters
"We have concluded that 500 rufiya note is the strongest symbol that the voters can relate to Gasim. Some candidates are sending sms promising to take voters to new heights (vayah, javvah, fazaayah). But our candidate is sending something that has his own signature," said Dhiyana Saeed, a spokesperson for Republicans.
"The 500 rufiya note, the highest denomination in the Maldives currency, has the signature of former central bank governor and finance minister Gasim Ibrahim, proving that he can manage the finance of this country if elected for the top post. He has enough experience of creating inflation, so he can easily take you to new heights," Dhiyana said.
Asked if her husband Jabir, also a Republican, will distribute any of the counterfeit notes found in a MIFCO safe when he was the chairperson of that company, Dhiyana refused to comment. However, she later told DhiFM that it was up to the Auditor General to make comments about her husband's management of MIFCO, and it was up to the Attorney General to refute the claims of the Auditor General.
"It will be a funny day when Auditor General releases the audit report of Maldives Water and Sewerage Company. I want to see the look on Attorney General's face when she gives the press conference saying its simply not true," said Dhiyana, herself a former official of Attorney General's Office.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Gasim will win election anonymously
Congrats Hassan
I am sure u will be the winner, my prediction is Hassan and Anni in the second round and Hassan will win anonymously,,,,,,, which will be a huge blow for yellow tycoons.
Gasim can win this election anonymously too.
So Hassan supporters now think election will be huge blow for yellow tycoons. If Gasim wins this election then it will be huge blow for Hassan tycoons. Solah Shihab, Crown Saleem, Mujuthaba, Universal family, Shaveed, Champa. They will weep when Gasim wins this election anonymously.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Thank you for the Shamau and Laura. Candidate of Hope
"Good evening Ladies n Gentlemen. I am very glad to to see you like this today, this evening specially for, Sun Island Grand Opening Ceremony, and the our president honorable ahhhh his excellency Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom came and opened for us on this ahh memorable and hapy happy occassion, and also i must thank you for the our Indian all this ahh 98 world ahh miss world dainahid and also miss universe 96 Sunita, and also the other sunali Benthre she is an actress i think er all of them seen her in this stage they are very well done.
This is one of the best part of our show also to bring these people they came from abroad from far away from london from bombay to here to happy our people and ah ourselfs I think this is there fore i am very much for this people and other wise our show this saw will be not like this i am sure it is. and therefore i like to thank you for the organizer for sa Sabha Hale heli for organizing this all this thing and Mr.Ashraf Bhai this is my friend very good friend from Mumbai and there fore i like to thank you for Mr. Asraf also. And then specially for i i have to to thank....for the my this show has bring you... as this life.. now and thens .........Laura she's really she done very well therefore i will like to thank you for the Laura and also the our all the participatants who came here to see thank very much for......... once again FOR LAURA ONCE AGAIN"
Gasim Ibrahim, Sun Island opening speech
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Shamau Shareef: the new Republican dream and rising youth leader
Once upon a time there was an Emperor. His name was Emperor. He wore new clothes. Gasim Ibrahim gave him new clothes to wear. Gasim gave him Villa Scholarship. So Emperor educated at HELP institute in Malaysia. Nasreena has share in HELP institute in Malaysia. Ilyas buy house near HELP institute. Nasreena and Ilyas have share in Villa. Once Emperor very ill. So Emperor went to KIM hospital in Trivandrum. Gasim gave money for ticket. Gasim own share in KIM hospital. Now Gasim want become president. Moosa Anwar great youth leader. Moosa beat Shamau Shareef to youth leader of Republican Party post. Now big competition between Moosa and Shamau. Moosa, brother of KD, file case against Anni to make Gasim happy. Shamau, the son of Sanco, write blog and website to make Gasim happy. But this blog the official Republican Party blog and DO the official campaign website. Shamau's father Sanco always vote for deficit budget. In MDP too Sanco obey Gasim orders. Now like father like son obey Gasim. With youth leaders Gasim win this election. Shamau become Deputy Youth Minister. Moosa Anwar become Youth Minister.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Maldivians to vote for electing a First Lady after Gasim becomes President

Villa IT, the information technology subsidiary of Villa Shipping and Trading Company, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today with Premier Election Solutions of USA to purchase an electronic voting system from the manufacturer. Premier Elections Solutions, formerly known as Diebold Election Systems, is a subsidiary of Diebold, which has been providing electronic voting systems and solutions in elections for decades.
A spokesperson for Villa IT said the new electronic voting system will be used by its client the Jumhooree Party (JP) after JP wins this year's presidential elections.
"Our client JP has identified a need for an electronic voting system as their presidential candidate Mr Gasim Ibrahim is married to multiple wives. When he wins the presidential elections this will create a problem in identifying who will be the First Lady. JP has decided to hold a nationwide election to elect a First Lady among Gasim's wives. Villa IT has stepped in to provide state-of-the-art technology for our client," the spokesperson said.
Dhiyana Saeed, the spokesperson for JP, which is also known as Republican Party, said the party will hold an election to elect a First Lady soon after Gasim wins the presidential election.
"Personally I would like to be the First Lady. But its quite complicated. You see my husband Jabir is not the presidential candidate for JP. If I have to be the First Lady, I have to get divorced. Things will not be solved from that point either. Gasim will have to divorce one of his wives. Then Gasim will have to marry me. Since there is an Idda (a waiting period for divorced women without marrying again) in Islamic Shariah, there is no time for all that. Since Adhaalath is part of the Jumhooree Gulhun (coalition) we can't take a chance and offend Adhaalath. I blame the alliance of MDP and DRP for holding the election too soon. Otherwise I could have been the First Lady," Dhiyana explained.
"Since my options are quite limited, I welcome this proposal to hold an election for nominating a First Lady. I am confident that the touchscreen voting system that Villa IT purchases will not fail us," Dhiyana said speaking at a Haaru Keun at West Park Cafe operated by her husband Jabir.
English polishing by Naseem. Additional reporting by Nazeer from West Park Cafe.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Waheed come and Waheed go but Ahmed Ali Sawad not come to Maldives for 16 years
I meet Naseem today. Naseem very unhappy with Republican. Naseem say Lolly Jabir too powerful. I ask Naseem to write some for blog because many readers complain I write breaking English. Before also Naseem polish my English and write very good quality English for this blog.
But I think no good English required in future Maldives if Gasim become President.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ahmed Ali Sawad not come to Maldives for 16 years
Ahmed Ali Sawad not come to Maldives for 16 years. He not saw Black Friday. Dr Munavvar was in Jumhooree Maidhan on Black Friday. Sawad no political experience. Dr Munavvar ten years experience in cabinet. Sawad not saw tsunami. Sawad not saw Maldivians suffering. Now I am sure Gasim will loose the election.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
DO Sappe say Dr Shaugy very bad man
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Dr Munavvar can run faster than Dr Shaugy
Dr Shaugy too fat from eating commission from resort deals. DO Sappe said so. Dr Munavvar clean politician. No bribe history. Dr Munavvar ten years experience in cabinet. Dr Shaugy only few years experience in cabinet. Dr Munavvar studied Russia and Canada. Dr Shaugy studied Canada but not Russia.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Gasim's story Tuesday night TVM Siyaasath Programme 11.30 pm Live Watch
Watch Siyaasath programme Tuesday night TVM at 11.30 pm. Listen to Gasim tell live his rags to riches story.
Vote for Gasim Ibrahim as our President. You can become rich too. Vote for Dr Munavvar running mate. You can become rich too.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Dr Munavvar is also scientist. He invented the black box
Friday, September 5, 2008
Revolution Begins. Dr Munavvar to perform at Alimas Carnival
Gasim's potential running mate Dr Mohamed Munnavar will perform on stage tonight. Recently he has undergone voice training in India. The band comprises of:
Dr Mohamed Munnavar - vocals
Gasim Ibrahim - bass guitar and vocals
ADK Ahmed Nashid - lead guitarist
Lolly Abdullah Jabir - rhythm guitar
Sanco Shareef - percussion
The Finnish metal band KIUAS will also perform at Revolution Begins. But fans in Maldives are impatient to see the performance of Dr Munavvar and his colleagues in Republican Party.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dr Ugail is a rocket scientist. Dr Munavvar is a politician
Dr Ugail is a rocket scientist at NASA. How he lead the nation? Maldives don't have space programme.
Dr Munavvar best educated experienced politician.
Munavvar completed his secondary education in Majeedhiyya School.
Doctor in the Science of Law, 1993, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Sept. 1990 – Sept. 1993 (full-time);
Master of Laws (LL.M.), 1989, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Sept. 1988 – Sept. 1989 (full-time);
Legislative Drafting Course, 1986, Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training, Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi, India, 4 November 1985 – 31 January 1986 (full-time);
Master of Laws with Honours (LL.M.), with specialization in International Law, 1985, Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, September 1979 – June 1985, (full-time).
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Dr Munavvar's Ramadan message
Monday, August 25, 2008
Adhaalath endorses Gasim because Gasim owns Paradise
"Brothers and Sisters. It is the duty of all pious Muslims to strive to enter Paradise. We have found a short cut to enter Paradise. After months of deliberation, we have decided on a presidential candidate to endorse for the election in Maldives. We have decided to endorse Gasim Ibrahim, the owner of Paradise."
Sunday, August 24, 2008
No good English required in Maldives with Gasim as future president
Commenter said bad comment about last post. Commenter said I not write if I can't write in good English. But what is need for good English in future Maldives. Whether New Maldives or Aneh Dhivehi Raajje, no need for good English in future Maldives. Because even future president Gasim can't write, read or speak in good English.
I can get good people to write good English. Naseem write good English. Raziin Vitesse write good English. Moosa Anwar write many many good English in Facebook. All Republican Party members. But what is use of good English in future Maldives when President Buruma can't speak good english?
Dr Munavvar running mate and Gasim candidate. A winning combination.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Naseem joins Republican Party
I still not make final decision. I am waiting for Dr Munavvar do something. I hoped Munavvar be candidate and Qasim the running mate. Now Qasim the candidate Dr Munavvar may be running mate. This is not best choice. Dr Munavvar candidate best choice.
I confused Dr Munavvar said he not quit MDP before and now he quit. I don't like some people in Republican Party.
Today Anni make press conference at Al Fresco. Naseem very angry with Hathu giving Al Fresco for Anni to make press conference. Before it was Munavvar and supporters make press conference at Al Fresco.
Anni talked about reducing prices of living. I remember when the prices of living start going up. Last year when the deficit budget passed. They said customs duty increase with new budget. So all shop owners increase prices. Now my mother buy everything for great prices. Everybody very poor after deficit budget passed. Deficit budget = Siyaasee Budget = Political budget.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dr Munavvar quits MDP
"We all know those foreigners don't wash themselves after shitting. They just wipe their arses with toilet roll. Such things are not acceptable in a closely knit society as ours," Dr Munavvar said.
Dr Munavvar said Anni's campaign manager is James from the British Conservative Party.
"What is the use of hiring foreigners when we have capable political strategists like Kalbe and Kurendhoo Mahir? We shouldn't let even a bodu laari go overseas in a time of economic recession. Only last month we celebrated independence day. Now Anni wants to take us backwards to British colonial rule," Dr Munavvar said.
Dr Munavvar's political future is uncertain but there are rumours that he will join the Republican Party. He will choose the businessman Buruma Qasim Ibrahim as a running mate. Dhivehi Observer will be the official campaign website and this blog will be the official campaign blog.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dr Munavvar sends greetings on Independence Day
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The President of MDP and the future President of Maldives Dr Munavvar has extended warm felicitations to the beloved people of Maldives on the occasion of Independence Day. In a statement Dr Munavvar assured the people that he will always be at their service, sincerely.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Dr Munavvar congratulates the Maldivian football team
Dr Munavvar called the captain of the team Assad Abdul Ghanee and congratulated the team for the superb performance in Colombo in which the Maldivian side beat India by 1-0.
"I am overjoyed by this gold medal and the courage of the national football team. I was also planning to go to Colombo to support the team but my commitments with MDP prevented me from going. I have to go to MDP office everyday as I am the president of the largest opposition party, and I hope every football team member will understand it," Dr Munavvar told.
"To show my support, I am having a national flag hoisted at my house. Since I was kicked out of the cabinet by Gayoom in 2003 I haven't had a national flag hoisted at my house," Dr Munavvar said.
"I will always be at the service of national football team. Khadhimukum!" Dr Munavvar said before he ended the call to Colombo using a Dhiraagu phone number.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Holidaying in Ibiza
After our dedicated services to Dr Munavvar's campaign, some of his rich supporters were kind enough to pay for a grand holiday, and we received some cash to deposit in a Cayman's bank too. There is a surplus of money after the campaign, and it is being spent wisely.
Everybody is taking a break after the campaign but we are sure that most of the members from our experienced team will stay with us to finish the final hurdle of our mission: that is to send Dr Munavvar to Theemuge.
Le Cute Majid is planning to open a shop in Paris based on his recent experience of distributing CK perfume during Munavvar's campaign. Rado Zahir is negotiating with leading brands in Europe to sell more watches to Maldivians after a surge in demand following the Citizen watch distribution. KD is in Thailand to buy new goods for his Fresh Air shop. Qasim has given a nice bonus in recognition of the CD that KD released during the campaign.
Kurendhoo Mahir is in an unknown location on a secret mission. Kalbe has received an indication from the Hillary Clinton campaign that he will be hired as chief strategist. She is still looking for an experienced political strategist after Mark Penn was fired. Abbas Adil Riza is translating Dr Munavvar's biography From Russia with Law. Thuthubey and Mondale have never been since the night of 25 April.
Qasim Ibrahim is investing on a new chilli field at Sun Island. Villa Chilli products will be sold at Local Market with lower prices to compete with and undermine the local small scale farmers.
"Villa Chilli is grown in fertile soil of Sun Island, using organic fertilizers and are much better than Elken products," a statement read by Ratziin Videsse said.
As for me I am making plans to expand my clothes business. With the money that I received after the campaign, and the backing of the rich people who have become my friends, I can increase the frequency of my trips to Thailand. Previously I had to struggle to go there once in a month, but now I am thinking of going there once a week and earn some bonus miles from Bangkok Airways. Ooooh. Thailand is so tempting. Once I return to Male I will be looking for a larger space to relocate my shop, and from a prime location too. Life has been good to me since I started going to Al Fresco.
As for my friend (this blog's owner) I think he is also trying to begin a new chapter in life by abandoning his current job as a supervisor in a small scale construction company.
I miss the gang at Al Fresco. There at our tables everybody is an expert. Topics change from night to night, from time to time. Be it philosophy or world business, everybody has an opinion. I owe my maturity and outlook of life to the group. Previously I was a nobody, an unknown smalltime businessman. Now I am recognized as a person with some potential. When I first started going to Al Fresco I sat in awe, listening to Kalbe speak. Then I met the great man himself, the Doc, and I wondered what I was doing in life all years.
I have not seen the Doc since the night of April 25. He must be hibernating, calculating his next move, using that brain of his, fine tuned in Moscow by KGB. With the jubilant victory in the MDP Primaries there is no question that he will be our President.
"The Doc has only one thing to decide. Whether he will be entering Theemuge through the main gate at Orchid Magu or whether he should use the side entrance near Kesto's house," a close aide of the Doc explained.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Dr Munavvar declares victory
Now Naseem and I go to Al Fresco for Lavazaa coffee.
We upload blog for presidential election
Friday, April 18, 2008
From Russia with Law

"The best biography of the decade since The Audacity of Hope" - The Times Literary Supplement
"Move aside John Grisham. Here is a real life legal drama" - Publishers' Weekly
"The best autobiography ever" - Kalbe
In 2007 Dr Munavvar took the political realm of Maldives by storm when he won the MDP election after beating his longtime friend Ibrahim Hussain Zaki and became the president of the party through a table to table campaign. In 2008 he challenged the party's co-founder and ex-chairperson Anni (who stole Velaanaage when Dr Munavvar was AG) in the MDP Primaries. With the smart strategies of political gurus such as Kalbe, KD, Le Cute Majid, Kurendhoo Mahir and with the financial backing from the richest businessmen in the Maldives such as Rado Zahir and Buruma Qasim Ibrahim, Dr Munavvar is expected to win this election. MDP members are delighted to have such a clean man as a candidate because Dr Munavvar has no history of corruption although his enemies spread false stories against him such as the story of breadfruit man.
Only a few months separate the Doc, as he is affectionately called by his closest circle of friends, from entering the presidential palace Theemuge, after beating his former boss Gayoom for whom the Doc gave legal advice for 10 years on such sensitive issues such as the formation of political parties in the Maldives.
Political analysts are perplexed as to how the former Attorney General and the partner of Munavvar & Associates Law Firm, became such a political genius. To find the answers to the mystery one would have to travel to a distant land, where winters are bitter, as Hitler's army found out during the Second World War.
From September 1979 to June 1985 Dr Munavvar studied in Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University in Russia's capital Moscow. At the height of Cold War, in a capital city swarming with foreign spies and KGB officers, Dr Munavvar learned the skills of the trade. Now an autobiography from the genius himself reveals the little known facts about his days in Moscow.
From Russia with Law is the autobiography of Dr Mohamed Munavvar, the president of MDP. This is the first volume of his autobiography. This volume recalls the days he was studying in Russia and Canada. This volume ends with his appointment as Attorney General on 11 November 1993.
Dr Munavvar's previous book on international maritime law has been acclaimed by legal experts as one of the best books ever written on the topic.
From Russia with Law is a must read for all aspiring lawyers, practicing barristers and wannabe politicians.
Already a bestseller on, the sales of this autobiography is expected to increase after Dr Munavvar becomes the President of Maldives.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Key To The Black Box

"A film with suspense." - Premier
"A remarkable film making." - Entertainment Weekly
"I recommend this for everybody" - Kurendhoo Mahir
Winner of Maldives National Film Awards 2008
Best Picture
Best Director
Best Original Screenplay
Best Makeup
Best Special Effects
Nominated for best picture in Sundance, Berlin and Cannes Film Festivals.
2003 November, Somewhere in Attorney General's Office
The phone rings and rings. After ten rings the incumbent Attorney General picks up the phone. The negotiations fail. He would not settle for a lower post. After ten years in Cabinet, he would not agree for a demotion. He puts the receiver down. He walks slowly to a filing cabinet and picks up piles of papers and documents carefully concealed in a secret compartment. He had hidden all papers knowing that a day like this may come. With this information he could fight any enemy in government. Everybody wants to lay their hands on those files. With this powerful resource he could one day become unbeatable. He takes the papers home and puts them in a black box made out of a strong material. He deposits the key safely. Everybody would be hunting for that key for years. But the KGB training in Russia was for a purpose.
He promises that the black box will be opened. He assures the members of the party that if he becomes the party president the content of the black box will be laid bare for the whole country to see. The evil man in the palace will be defeated in five months.
The Key To The Black Box is a film full of suspense directed by Mohamed Niyaz (Tedry) and produced by Eternal Pictures. The story is based on the fight for the key to the black box, which contains classified information and state secrets including the details of the murder of Sylivia in a guest house in Male', the sinking of MV Victory near Hulhule, and the UFO landings in Kaashidhoo. The black box contains the secrets of Amin Didi assassination, location of peaceful nuclear plant in Baa Atoll and volumes of scientific research on the phenomenon known as Kadumathi Elhun.
The Key To The Black Box is a cinematic celebration of the masterful political genius Dr Mohamed Munavvar. The film is to be screened at Odeon and National Cinema in May after Dr Munavvar wins the MDP presidential primaries.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Return from Laamu Gan

I come back from laamu Gan. Too many days there. So many problems in construction work. Tiles badly put. Plastering work bad. Very bad wiring. I stay there to supervise.
French Red Cross man give me his laptop to surf. Very thin laptop. Macbook Air. I think first Macbook Air in Maldives. I very happy to surf with thin laptop. I saw blog. The blog very nice because Nazeer very good in English. Very great blog posts so I am very much happy.
I go to Al Fresco today and meet with Naseem and Nazeer. I tell them about Laamu. In Laamu Dr Munavvar is leading in campaign. Naseem told in Male' Dr Munavvar now very popular.
In laamu I make billboard for Dr Munavvar. I make good billboard in Gan.
I am so happy to come back to Male' join my friends having Lavazza coffee.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Free Villa Gas for Supporters of Dr Munavvar

Villa Gas, the largest supplier of LPG cooking gas in Maldives, is giving free gas cylinders to the supporters of Dr Munavvar.
In a function held at Al Fresco cafe the campaign was started by Kalbe and Kurendhoo Mahir. Chairman of Villa Group Qasim Ibrahim could not attend the function because he had to attend a meeting with some officials from Asian Development Bank (ADB) in his capacity as Minister of Finance.
Qasim's busy schedule is keeping him away from most functions of Dr Munavvar campaign but the richest man in Maldives has already pledged millions for the campaign. His close associates such as Kalbe, Thuthubey, KD and Kurendhoo Mahir are plotting new strategies to maintain the lead that Dr Munavvar now has over his rivals. Le Cute Majid has left to an undisclosed location with a few millions and bottles of CK Truth and CK Contradiction to get more support for Dr Munavvar. Qasim's best business buddy Rado (Reefside) Zahir is giving away free Citizen watches for supporters of Dr Munavvar.
"I am now busy meeting ADB people. So I am sorry I can no attend. But I am building good contacts with ADB, IDB, IMF and World Bank. When Dr Munavvar comes as President we have good links with the whole international financial family. We will no need support of international conservatives," a statement issued by Qasim was read out at Al Fresco by Ratziin Vidtesse.
Encouraged by its success in trade and with an aim to tap into the potential of this segment, Villa Group is setting up a world class storage infrastructure at Thilafushi Island with the following facilities:-
- 3 LPG Horton spheres of 1750 m3 each along with a bottling plant suitable for filing 300 bottles at the rate of 12kg per hour. (operational since May 2002)
- A Fuel Farm for the storage of petrol, diesel and heavy oil with a total capacity of 38,000 m3.
- Cement Silos for storing up to 8,000 tons of cement along with a packing facility capable of packing up to 900 bags (weighing 50 kg) per hour as well as a facility to pack jumbo-sized bags weighing 1,000 kg.
In addition to his business at Thilafushi, Qasim Ibrahim owns a chilli field at Sun Island. Chilli grown by Villa Chilli is sold in Local Market in Male'.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Free Citizen watches for Dr Munavvar supporters

Reefside, the largest retailer of watches in Maldives, has announced that it will be giving free Citizen watches for the supporters of Dr Munavvar, the current MDP President who is expected to win the party primary for a presidential candidate.
"Maldivians have been only people for too long, deprived of their basic rights. Now we are providing Maldivians the opportunity to become Citizens. This is a moment for all Maldivians to seize because by voting for Dr Munavvar, you will be choosing to become full-fledged Citizens," Reefside owner Hassan Zahir (Rado) declared in a function held at Al Fresco.
Reefside is giving Citizen Nighthawk BJ7000-01E watches for men and Citizen Silhouette EW8140-54N watches for women. Both watches belong to Citizen Eco Drive series which requires no batteries and charges in sunlight or indoors. The Nighthawk's features include non-reflective crystal, dual date, pilot's slide rule dial ring operated by crown at 8 o'clock position and large luminous markers for easy readability. The Silhouette's features include blue mother-of-pearl dial, Swarovski® crystal, all stainless steel, jewelry clasp with push button and is water resistant.
"We chose to include Nighthawk in this giveaway because Dr Munavvar makes his political plans mostly at night. We believe this watch will be highly useful for Dr Munavvar and his supporters who never see the light of day before the sun is at mid sky," Zahir told the assembly of reporters and political pundits.
"We selected Silhouette for this giveaway because Dr Munavvar is like a silhouette in the political realm of Maldives. Nobody knows what he really does as MDP President, but his popularity is rising day by day," he added.
The watches are given with a 5 year warranty which will be equivalent to the 5 year guarantee that Dr Munavvar will be giving to the people after he is elected as the President. The watches feature a special alarm that Dr Munavvar and aides will use when extraordinary special functions are held in mornings. Dr Munavvar has promised to change the working hours of Maldives from 1.30 pm to 10.30 pm because he had noticed in his 10 years as Attorney General that a number of civil servants and students in Maldives simply did not have breakfast because of early working hours.
Hassan Zahir is a close business associate of Minister of Finance and Villa Group Chairman Qasim Ibrahim. He is a hardcore supporter of Dr Munavvar and is joined by other close business associates of Qasim such as Thuthubey and the shrewd political strategist Kalbe in bringing the campaign of Dr Munavvar to a new level. Zahir is a major financier of MDP.
Citizen Nighthawk has been reviewed by Mondale, an aeronautical engineer and businessman who is a frequent customer of cafe Al Fresco.
"The features are amazing. Apart from all the other timekeeping-based and solar powered-based features you can read about everywhere else on the internet, the Nighthawk also has a multi-functional Slide Rule. This is not really praised or mentioned anywhere else so I will tell you what it is, what it does and why it makes owning this watch very cool!
With the slide rule you can calculate your car's fuel consumption, average speed/velocity and the time you will arrive at your destination, you can also multiply and divide numbers, calculate ratio's into percentages, integers and decimals, covert liters to gallons, pounds to kilograms as well as other metric conversions. The slide rule also performs a few more complicated calculations that involve airplanes and nautical vessels that are beyond my understanding.
At any rate, these calculations can be done by simply rotating the NightHawk's bezel and matching specific arrows at certain points along the dial. (If you don't believe me, you can download the Nighhawk's PDF manual and read up on it for yourself.)"
Hassan Zahir is a businessman known for paying Customs import tariff promptly without any complaints. When a reporter asked why as a businessman he wasn't backing Anni who has pledged to reduce the import tariff Zahir gave a solid explanation.
"I have been giving my money to Customs as tariff for so long that it has become an addiction. I like to do business and make profit after paying high tariffs. There will be no appeal in doing business without paying tariff. I don't like it when life becomes a piece of cake. As a person who has become successful by selling watches, I always like being in a race against time. That is one reason why I picked Munavvar over Anni."
Citizen company was established in Japan in 1924. The founding fathers selected the name Citizen so it would be "Close to the Hearts of People Everywhere" and soon after adopted the company’s formal name, Citizen Watch Company. During the last seventy-five years Citizen has expanded its business throughout the world and has achieved recognition as the global brand. The past twenty-five year period has coincided with the company’s dramatic rise to its current position as the world’s largest watchmaker, a distinction Citizen has held every year since 1986.
Reefside has been retailing Citizen and other branded watches at affordable prices for Maldivians for over two decades.
Friday, March 28, 2008
From Al Fresco to Theemuge

From Al Fresco to Theemuge is a documentary directed by Mohamed Niyaz (Tedry) whose debut feature film Dheriya won critical acclaim in the Maldives. A production of Eternal Pictures, From Al Fresco to Theemuge is the documentary that will create raves in next year's Cannes and Berlin Film Festivals.
This is the story of one man who realizes his childhood dream of becoming the president of Maldives through his sheer determination, vision and hard work. This film is the story of Dr Munavvar, born in Addu Atoll Meedhoo, and migrated to Male' to complete his secondary education in Majeediyya School. This is the story of his rise in government, education in Russia and Canada, and how he became the Attorney General in his early 30s. This documentary traces the life of Dr Munavvar in the ten years he spent in Gayoom's cabinet and shows how he ultimately became the president of MDP through his shrewd political strategies.
This is a documentary that students of political science, scholars and members of academia must watch as director Tedry shows the political genius of Dr Munavvar through rare interviews and videos of past speeches. This is the film which will explain how a successful table-to-table campaign is conducted with guaranteed success.
From Al Fresco to Theemuge is the story of how one man succeeds to enter the presidential palace Theemuge through his strategies carried out in the nearby cafe Al Fresco.
Only an old mosque and a street separates the presidential palace Theemuge from STO Trade Center where the cafe Al Fresco is located in the ground floor. It is there in this cafe that Dr Munavvar and his supporters, including director Tedry, plot their plans for Dr Munavvar's entry into the palace as president of Maldives.
It is not by a stroke of good luck that Dr Munavvar chose a cafe in the block next to Theemuge. As the old saying goes "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line".
This documentary is to be screened after Dr Munavvar is sworn in as the President of Maldives.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Free CK perfume for Dr Munavvar's supporters

Abdul Majid, one of the shareholders and Managing Director of Lintel, is a close business associate of Qasim Ibrahim, Minister of Finance and Chairman of Villa group of companies. Majid is involved in the campaign of Dr Munavvar. Other Lintel financiers like Hassan Zahir (Rado) and Ahmed Zahir (Ahanma) are backing Dr Munavvar as well.
The perfume giveaways are CK Truth 3.4 oz EDT for Men and CK Contradiction Eau de Parfum Spray 100ml for Women. Dr Munavvar's supporters can use the perfume themselves or they could give the perfume as gifts for loved ones.
Contradiction is a complex blend of ingredients chosen for their individual clarity and ability to harmonize. We refer to this signature fragrance as a joyful oriental. The exhilarating freshness gives way to vibrant textural florals wrapped in a sheer blanket of soft warmth and femininity. She's strong, yet feminine. She's smart and sexy all at the same time. In many ways, she's a woman of contradiction. - Calvin Klein
TRUTH review by: KD
"ever since i entered my teens i was hooked on davidoff cool water...but that day at Le Cute, when i tried the calvin klein truth for the first time, i knew davidoff had a new rival. calvin klein truth offered everything that i had wanted, a natural yet outstanding fragrance and it lasted a long time too!"
The perfume giveaway is a new campaign strategy under the slogan "For clean life vote for a clean leader!". In a survey carried out by Ministry of Health, 85% of the Maldivians agreed that perfumes are an essential component of a clean life, in addition to Omo.
Majid launched the perfume campaign in a small function held at Seagull Cafe today.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
KD promete expulsar Anni de MDP
O Anni concorre com o Dr Munavvar ganhar a nomeação do partido para eleição presidencial. KD prometeu que Anni não acertará contas 100 votos de Addu, o lugar de nascimento de KD, onde o proprietário de Fresh Air em Chandhanee Magu goza popularidade enorme entre juventude e homens de negócios.
O disco laser foi arremessado em Seagull Bar e mais tarde em Al Fresco. Assegurar-se que mais Maldivians, incluindo essas vida no estrangeiro, estão escutar a mensagem móvel de KD, a gravação de áudio agora é feita disponível em Youtube.
KD é um sócio próximo de Presidente do Villa Grupo e Ministro de Finanças Qasim Ibrahim. Sempre que KD acha um downturn no seu negócio que ele é salvado por Qasim Ibrahim. Outros sócios de fechamento de Qasim tal como a cabeça que Kalbe político de estrategista trabalham dia e noite promover o Dr Munavvar. Com o apoio de Qasim Ibrahim, e outras companhias tal como os Sunland Hotels, Universal Resorts e Le Cute grupo, nós somos confiantes que podemos ganhar esta eleição.
Pequisas conduzidas pelo Ministério de Planejar e Desenvolvimento exposição Nacional que o Dr Munavvar dirige por 55% contra seu competidor principal Reeko Moosa Manik.
(This news has been translated into Portuguese because our former colonial master Portuguese are taking a keen interest in the MDP primaries. Translated by the 15th great-grandson of Andreas Andrea or Andhiri Andhirin. KD said in his endorsement CD that the Portuguese invaders' goal of making all Maldivians drink Raa or alcohol will be fulfilled after Dr Munavvar is elected.)
Escute endosso do KD de o Dr Munavvar em Youtube. Primeiro escuta primeiramente um, então secunda um, como que escuta de cima para baixo.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
KD promises to kick out Anni from MDP
Anni is contesting with Dr Munavvar to win the party's nomination for presidential election in Maldives. KD promised that Anni will not get even 100 votes from Addu, the birthplace of KD, where the owner of Fresh Air shop in Chandhanee Magu enjoys huge popularity among youth and businessmen.
The CD was launched in Seagull Cafe and later in Al Fresco. To make sure that more Maldivians, including those living abroad, are able to listen to the moving message from KD, the audio recording is now made available on Youtube.
KD is a close associate of Villa Group's Chairman and Minister of Finance Qasim Ibrahim. Whenever KD finds a downturn in his business he is salvaged by Qasim Ibrahim. Other close associates of Qasim such as the mastermind political strategist Kalbe are working day and night to promote Dr Munavvar. With the backing of Qasim Ibrahim, and other companies such as the Sunland Hotels, Universal Resorts and Le Cute group, we are confident that we can win this election.
Opinion polls conducted by Ministry of Planning and National Development show that Dr Munavvar is leading by 55% against his main competitor Reeko Moosa Manik.
(This is final post before I go to Laamu Gan. Nazeer will upload blog with help from Naseem.)
Listen to KD's endorsement of Dr Munavvar on Youtube. First listen to first one, then second one, like that listen from top to bottom.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Going to Laamu for tsunami construction
I am sad to leave. Because this blog is now many people read blog. I think less support for Dr Munavvar if nothing on this blog for one week. I think of giving blog password to Naseem. But problem he is not very friendly with technology. Naseem use iPhone but he not know how to use blog.
Sometime i thought my boss anti-munavvar and thinking of sending me away to stop blog. But my boss don't know i make this blog.
I very worried. But today at Al Fresco i meet with technology person. He is very good Dr Munavvar supporter. His name Nazeer. I tell him about blog. He very excited. He tell me that he update the blog when I go to Gan. I ask him to consult Naseem. Because Naseem having good ideas. Nazeer also very good in English. He using big English words when speaking.
So i come back after one week. I will campaign in Laamu for Dr Munavvar. I try to make a billboard in Gan with Dr Munavvar slogan. For clean life vote for a clean leader!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
KD endorses Dr Munavvar
KD is a close business associate of Mr Qasim Ibrahim, the Minister of Finance of Maldives and also Chairman of Villa Group. Besides KD, close associates of Qasim such as political strategist Kalbe are already in the Munavvar campaign. KD receives finance from Qasim Ibrahim for running his businesses. Dr Munavvar and Qasim Ibrahim are also very close friends. Qasim's support will be crucial for Dr Munavvar to win because Qasim will help raise more campaign funds for Dr Munavvar.
KD's endorsement is expected to increase the popularity of Dr Munavvar as KD is from Addu Atoll where MDP has a large membership. More businessmen from Addu are expected to follow the footsteps of KD because of his popularity.
In a coffee meeting held today at Seagull cafe, KD launched a CD-ROM in which he announced his endorsement of Dr Munavvar. The CD-ROM will be launched again in Al Fresco cafe tomorrow.
Press Release issued by fans of Dr Munavvar with some English polishing done by Naseem. Press release to be translated to Italian by Giovanni.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
New campaign slogans
We make good slogan for Dr Munavvar campaign. We think best point for Munavvar is he is corruption-free. No corruption record. Clean man. Clean leader. So we make slogan.
ތާހިރު ދިރިއުޅުމަށްޓަކައި ތާހިރު ލީޑަރަކަށް ވޯޓު ދެއްވާ

Monday, March 17, 2008
Mahir di Kurendhoo firma Dott. Munavvar
Mahir di signor è dall'Isola di Kurendhoo nell'Atollo di Lhaviyani. È cresciuta in Endherimaage, la casa di famiglia di Moglie del presidente Nasreena, nel Male'. Oggi Mahir di Signor è un uomo d'affari rispettato ed un attivista di MDP. Ha dato dei discorsi in diverse riunioni di MDP.
Durante i prossimi pochi giorni più uomini d'affari prominenti e più figure principali nella societá si sono aspettati firmare Dott. Munavvar. Fra loro, il Signor Qasim Ibrahim, il Presidente di Gruppo di Villa, ed il Ministro di Finanza, si è aspettato sostenere Dott. Munavvar. Qasim i soci vicini come Kalbe di stratega politico lavorano già nella campagna di Munavvar.
Nazeer di signor, un azionario dei Hotel di Sunland in privato posseduti, che possiede delle risorse multiple nelle Maldive, si è aspettato sostenere Dott. Munavvar come bene.
Dott. Munavvar ha delle maglie vicine entro le Risorse Universali, che possiede delle risorse in Seicelle e Malaysia oltre alle Maldive.
Con i contatti giusti e con i collegamenti con le figure importanti nella societá, siamo fiduciosi che possiamo alzare più finanza di campagna di i nostri rivali e battiamo i nostri rivali con un margine enorme.
La girata del Mahir di Kurendhoo ha spostato già l'opinione pubblica nel favore di Dott. Munavvar, come Mahir di Signor controlla un numero sostanzioso di tavole nel Caffè di Al Fresco.
Secondo un sondaggio di opinioni ha eseguito dal Ministero di Pianificazione e lo Sviluppo Nazionale, Dott. Munavvar conduce da 51% contro il suo rivale il più vicino, Reeko Moosa Manik, il film-girato da attore-politico.
[Press Release to publish in all big Italian newspapers. Many Italian tourists come to Maldives. They very much interested in elections in Maldives. All big resort companies in Maldives like Sunland, Villa, Universal supporting Dr Munavvar. So tourism sector grow when Dr Munavvar win. The Sicilian Mafia interested. They want to buy resorts and money laundering. More resort deals when Dr Munavvar wins. Abdulla Shahid very busy. Lavazza Italy's number 1 coffee. Al Fresco number 1 Lavazza selling cafe.
Naseem was tour guide five years before. Before he open clothes shop. Naseem very good in Italian. Naseem translate press release. We call Naseem's friend tour guide Giovanni for proofreading. But Giovanni's phone either not responding or switched off or temporarily not in range.]